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Vol. V - n°4 | 2007
The Bible in the 19th Century: The Word and its Re-wordings in British Literature and Thought

La Bible et ses réécritures dans la littérature et la pensée britanniques au XIXe siècle
Sous la direction de Frédéric Slaby et Élise Ouvrard

At the end of her introduction to Parole biblique et inspiration littéraire, a collection of papers and articles about the influence of the Bible on Western and more particularly English literature, Solange Dayras expresses the wish: « Puisse ce recueil d’essais sur ‘Parole biblique et création littéraire’ être l’amorce d’autres études comparatives entre l’Écriture et diverses écritures ». Following on from the two LISA e-journal volumes devoted to “Re-Writings”, this issue is concerned with the analysis of the evolution of the relationship between “The Word and its Re-Wordings in 19th-Century British Literature and Thought” and originated in a seminar held at the University of Caen Basse-Normandie on 20th January 2006 under the aegis of the research group LSA (Littératures et Sociétés Anglophones), supplemented by a call for papers extended to authors from France and abroad...

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