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HomeNumérosvol. XII-n°7

vol. XII-n°7 | 2014
L’égalité des droits : Mythe ou réalité dans les sociétés anglophones contemporaines ?

Equal Rights: Myth or Reality in Contemporary English-speaking Societies?
Edited by Karine Rivière-De Franco
Couverture Lisa XII-7
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Credits: Karine Rivière-De Franco

At the beginning of the 21st century, as international documents have officially recognized equal rights (e.g. the European Convention on Human Rights) and the United Nations General Assembly has adopted conventions on the elimination of all forms of discrimination based on race (1965), sex (1979) or disability (2006), this issue of the LISA e-journal aims at assessing the extent to which equality is respected in contemporary English-speaking societies. It examines the situation of different subgroups of population which may have suffered from, or which are still experiencing, some forms of injustice or discrimination, be it hidden or not. It wonders about the impact of the anti-discrimination laws passed in various countries, the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia, as well as about a possible evolution of equality strategies.

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